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HERE Seminar on "Internationalization and Mobility in Higher Education"

Within the framework of HERE activities two seminars have been organized under the theme:` Internationalization and Mobility in Higher Education`. The first seminar took place on the 4th June 2015 at the premises of the Ministry of Education Science and Culture (MEST) in Pristina, and the second seminar has been held on 30th of June 2015 at the Conference Hall of the Rectory Building of the University Mitrovica (UM).

The HERE seminar at MEST gathered more than twenty participants form Public and Private Universities, represented by Vice Rectors, Deans, Professors, Researchers, and representatives CSO that are active in the field of education.

The HEREs seminar in Mitrovica has gathered twenty participants from the University Mitrovica represented by Vice Rectors, Deans, Professors, and Researchers, representatives of three Higher Professional Schools located in the northern Kosovo and other HE stakeholders.

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