In the frame of HERE activities, on 27th of March 2017, Kosovo Erasmus+ Office in cooperation with the MEST and HERE group initiated a meeting with Parliamentary Commission for Education. The aim of this very first meeting was presentation of the Kosovo HERE group, their mission in Higher Education reforms, and to come out with the results of the cooperation in the process of modernizing the higher system of Kosovo.
Present during the meeting were:
Parliamentary Commision for Education: Nait Hasani – Head of the commission, Teuta Haxhiu, Salih Morina, Shpejtim Bulliqi and Shukrije Bytyqi –members
Kosovo Higher Education Reform Experts: Edmond Hajrizi, Lindita Tahiri, Linda Grapci Kotori, Drita Kadriu, Hysen Bytyqi, Eda Vula –HEREs
Kosovo Erasmus+ office members: Remzije Istrefi, Blerinë Zjaça, Elheme Selmani-Rexhepi